Presenting our congestion management solution at the AAIC Energy 2022

Marcel Wasserer and Matthias Dorfer held a keynote on "Powergrid congestion management with model-based Reinforcement Learning" at the AAIC Energy 2022.
Posted on
August 4, 2022

In their talk they explain how our Reinforcement Learning (RL) powered grid operation decision support system suggests non-costly, carbon free measures (e.g., topological corrections) as grid control actions to human operators. Our technology aims at optimizing existing infrastructure with the ultimate goal of increasing grid reliability and flexibility as well as the yield of renewable generation. This unlocks the potential of active topology control as a readily available, fast and economic measure for preventing upcoming congestions.

The full talk is available on YouTube. To learn more about our congestion management solution, visit our web page, try our interactive demo or simply drop us a line!

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