YOY Growth
50+ AI Projects
Team Size
ATX & DAX Clients
Organizing Node

About enliteAI

enliteAI is a technology provider for Artificial Intelligence specialized in Reinforcement Learning and Computer Vision/geoAI. Our customers are medium-sized and large enterprises from the DACH region from a wide range of industries. enliteAI is always looking for motivated employees who actively support us on our way!

Computer Vision

Detekt is a modern geospatial data platform supporting the entire mobile mapping and asset management life cycle.

MazeRL logo

Reinforcement Learning

We're the makers of Maze, one of the first open-source frameworks for applied Reinforcement Learning.

Power Grid Optimization

Achieving Adaptability and Reliability with Reinforcement Learning.

Our Vision

AI Research

enliteAI is an active member of ELISE - European Learning and Intelligent Systems Excellence.

ELISE is part of the EU Horizon 2020 ICT-48 portfolio and originated from ELLIS, a network of artificial intelligence research hubs and associated Fellows. Based on the highest level research, it spreads its knowledge and methods in academia, industry and society. The network invites all ways of reasoning, considering all types of data applicable for almost all sectors of science and industry.

We do this while being aware of data safety and security, and striving to explainable and trustworthy outcomes. ELISE contributes to the European AI and the ELLIS community on many fronts, e.g. through mobility programs, research program workshops, company collaboration, and policy work.


A selection of our clients in alphabetical order


We collaborate with trusted strategic partners to provide you with access to the latest technologies and services

Meet the Founders

We have put together a successful team with long-term experience in technology and business to create a perfect interplay between all the personalities.

Clemens Wasner

Clemens Wasner

Marcel Wasserer

Marcel Wasserer

Managing Partner
Johannes Stumtner

Johannes Stumtner