Speech - How to start your career in AI

We spoke at the TUday18 to computer science students about the best ways to start a career in AI.
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May 18, 2018

Everybody talks about AI, but how do you actually start a career in this exciting field? Our CEO Clemens Wasner gave a presentation at the career fair of Vienna Technical University to share our insights on how to start a career in AI.

While there are still no dedicated BA or master degrees for AI or machine learning in Austria, there is an increasing number of lectures on topics such as deep learning, image recognition or data science. On top of these offerings there are myriads of online courses and teaching material, which can serve as the ideal

Our recommendations:

  1. Delve into AI through online courses such as Deeplearning.ai from Andrew Ng or the Udacity nanodegrees for AI and deep learning. In order to get the best out of these courses we strongly recommend to brush up your knowledge in mathematics and computer science.
  2. Familiarize yourself with with current tools and development environments and start implementing your first AI projects. If you are looking for data just grab one of the freely available datasets here
  3. Meet like-minded AI aficionados at meetups and events. Very often you will meet companies who are desperately looking for people like you, who followed recommendation #1 and #2

For further information and pictures please check out the page of the TU Career center: https://tuday.tucareer.com/Besucher/TUday18-Tolle-Stimmung-und-interessante-Gespraeche

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