Interview - AI in the enterprise

We got interviewed on the key challenges and opportunities of introducing AI to an enterprise.
Posted on
June 26, 2018

AI is commonly referred to as the key driver to achieve digital transformation in the enterprise. However, when it comes to concrete measures or CIO guidelines, there is very little information to come by.

“AI will fulfill the promise of digitalization the same way smartphones did for mobile internet!”

Michael Ghezzo, CEO of Confare, did an interview with us to discuss the opportunities and pitfalls of introducing AI to a business and for which trends CIOs need to prepare.

Main topics we discussed

  1. What is the benefit of being among the first organizations to apply AI?
  2. What is the best approach to get started with AI? How to scale later on?
  3. What are the 5 most important things CIOs have to consider with regard to an AI-first world?
  4. How large will be the role of AI in the future, what can we expect in the near-term?

Curious on how to introduce AI to your business?

Contact us at and schedule a meeting with our experts.

Read the full interview in German on

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